Greater Wakefield Lions Club

Our club meets the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month at Poor People's Pub in Sanbornville from September through May. Social time 6:00 pm and Meeting at 6:30 pm. Summer meeting locations vary, please check our Facebook Page for updated information between meetings.

We serve our community ...

Lions sponsor community events, deliver Meals on Wheels, adopt a highway, sponsor a cabin at Camp Pride, host annual Shred-a-Thon, provide academic awards, collect eyeglasses, donate to neighborhood associations and provide free eye screening to local schools and daycares. You may catch us on select streets with our "Feel Good" signs to brighten your day.

We raise funds ...

Through our yearly Christmas Tree and Wreath Sale, Pride Day Events, Summer and Winter Raffles, Monthly Contests, Winter Holiday Concert, and Candy Sales.

Membership dues completely fund our operational expenses and 100% of the money we raise from the public is given BACK to the public!

Join us at our bi-monthly meetings and ask a member how you can be part of this great organization!